Pools Sub- Committee
Essington Parish Council Pools Sub-Committee to be held at 7pm at Essington Community Centre Council Chamber Monday 20th September 2021
Public Participation
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the last meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Correspondence
6. Clubmate-Update
7. Lease – Update
8. Environment Agency- Site Visit Update
9. Purchase of water monitoring equipment
10. Locks
11. Fishing Pegs
12. BDAA Grant
13. Additional Bins
14. Bailiffs/Pools Occasionals
15. Bailiffs-Purchase of Mobile Phones
16. LNR- Update
17. Severn Trent Land
18. Pools Overgrowth- Rear of Buttermere
19. Date of the Next Meeting
20. Closure
Signed by Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council.
Minutes Essington Parish Council Pools Sub-Committee held on Monday 20th September 2021
Councillors, Warren Fisher, Chris Steel, Hilary Southern, Winston Haddon, Steve Porter, Adrian Nicklin.
4x Invited Members of the Sub Committee – (Pools Occasional’s)
Acting Clerk, Louise Tipler.
Public Participation
No members of the public were present
1. Apologies- None
2. Declarations of Interest-None
3. Minutes of the last meeting- Proposed by Adrian, Seconded by Hilary- All in favour.
4. Matters Arising-The Pools rough sleeper seems to have moved on.
5. Correspondence- To be addressed under item 18 on the agenda
6. Clubmate-Update: Purchases are still being made using the new clubmate app which is now available for the use of the Bailiffs.
7. Lease – Update: The lease for the pools has been agreed and written up awaiting receipt from County for the Parish Council to sign.
8. Environment Agency- Site Visit Update: The Fisheries Technical officer visited the Pools who declared the Pools safe to fish adding that he was impressed with the Pools facility. EPC Angling trust membership has been set up which will benefit the site, members, and bailiffs with training opportunities etc.
9. Purchase of water monitoring equipment- Noxi Guard monitoring equipment was suggested, council waiting a response from supplier to confirm costs, proposed by Cllr Steel that we purchase the equipment needed assuming the cost does not exceed a £1000.00 Seconded by Cllr Haddon- All in Favour.
10. Locks- County Council locks to be purchased and fitted to all access points keys to be distributed to Councillors and Bailiffs
11. Fishing Pegs- Following previous discussion and research it was suggested that Plastic Fishing Pegs would be the preferred option-Council to get quotes, Deferred to next meeting.
12. BDAA Grant- Fishery access audit has been carried out which will help with funding.
13. Additional Bins- Remain on order County Council have advised they will be fitted as soon as they receive them.
14. Bailiffs/Pools Occasionals- Strimming, parts of the Pools area were mentioned, Cllr Steel to get quotation from the groundsman.
15. Bailiffs-Purchase of Mobile Phones- Bailiffs declined the offer of the use of a Parish Council supplied mobile phone preferring to use their own devices.
16. LNR- Update-deferred to the next meeting
17. Severn Trent Land-No Update deferred to the next meeting
18. Pools Overgrowth- Rear of Buttermere- Cllr Fisher to contact County Council.
19. Date of the Next Meeting-25th October 2021.
20. Closure-20.10
Signed by Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council.