Management Meeting
Essington Parish Council 24th May 2022
Management Meeting 30th May 2022 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber
Public and Tennant’s Participation 15 Mins
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes 25th November 2019
4. Matters Arising
5. Centres
5.1 ECC
a) 1911 Café Sale of Alcohol,
b) Bar Facility,
c) Furniture replacement,
d) Community-users Key Safe
e) One way system ECC
5.2 Medical Centre
5.3 Long Lane- Wyrley Juniors/ Teddy bears
5.4 Broad Lane
5.5 High Hill EURFC- Car Park Facility
5.6 Westcroft
5.7 Swan Park
5.8 Pools
6. Highways – Update
7. Kelly Tots – Additional Space
8. Grant Application FOE
9. Date of the Next Meeting
10. Closure
Signed by Louise Tipler
Essington Parish Council 24th May 2022
Draft Minutes
Management Meeting held the 30th of May 2022 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber
Public and Tennant’s Participation 15 Mins– 4x members of the public were present
2x Members of the Public wished to bring to the attention of the Parish Council that anti-social behaviour including sexual relations, drugs and alcohol abuse were taking place on a regular basis in Old Hampton Lane. Proposals for gated access were suggested as a deterrent by the members of the public which council considered and agreed their full support with the matter.
- Apologies– Councillors Winston Haddon, Hilary Southern
- Declarations of Interest– Gill declared an interest in item 7 on the Agenda Kelly Tots Nursery
Adrian Nicklin declared an interest in Item 8 Grant Application FOE
- Approval of the last meeting minutes 25th November 2019- Proposed by Gill Seconded by Steve all in Favour
- Matters Arising- Noted that Swan Park Committee Funds had still not been received.
- Centres
5.1 ECC
- a) 1911 Café Sale of Alcohol– Approved
- b) Bar Facility – Following a review of the Parish Council’s premises license arrangements for the bar facility to be reinstated will be met.
- c) Furniture replacement – New Tables and Chairs for Community Centre use have now arrived.
- d) Community-users Key Safe– Adrian to contact approved locksmith who recently supplied the centres locking system.
- e) One way system ECC- It is the Councils wish to proceed with planning permission to develop a one-way on and off system at the Community Centre.
5.2 Medical Centre- Chris to follow up communications.
5.3 Long Lane- Wyrley Juniors/ Teddy Bears-Nothing to report
5.4 Broad Lane– Residents are to hold a meeting regarding the dangerous state of road conditions and it’s use for speeding freight.
5.5 High Hill ERUFC– Car Park Facility – Plans to extend the car park facility have been discussed with the Parish Council at an onsite meeting, the Club are advised to seek planning permission.
5.6 Westcroft- Arrangements to be made to reinstate the Parish Council Notice Board.
5.7 Swan Park- Work is continuing and every effort is being made to reopen the Park asap.
5.8 Pools- Copy of Insurance for pools volunteers to be distributed to all members including a copy on the pools notice board.
- Highways – Update Gill mentioned that Old Landywood Lane had been closed due to camera investigations in the drains due to continual severe flooding issues.
- Kelly Tots – Additional Space- Due to high demand for the Nursery Facility Kelly Tots have requested the possibility of extending the play group due to high demand, several ideas were discussed, enquiries will be carried out regarding planning.
- Grant Application FOE- Grant Application has now been received. (Adrian left the Chamber @8.32 returning @8.33 pm)
- Date of the Next Meeting– TBA
- Closure. 8.40pm
Signed by Louise Tipler 6th June 2022
Signed by Chairman Chris Steel ……………………………………………………Date……………………………