Management Meeting
Essington Parish Council
Management Meeting held on Monday the 22nd of July 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Public Participation- 15 Mins.
Closed Session
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in the agenda 11,12 & 13 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
1. Apologies – Thelma Mattison and Sam Curtis.
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes the 17th of June 2024- Proposed by Adrian and seconded by Ken, all in favour that the minutes are a true and accurate record.
4. Matters Arising-None
5. ECC
A. Community Centre Hall – porch – Received Rams, work to commence 12th August 2024.
b. Community Centre -toilet refurbishment – 2 Quotes, received ladies’ toilets, earmarked to commence this financial year.
c. Posts and SIDS- Awaiting assistance with Sec 50 license.
d. 1911 Café – It was resolved to increase the annual rent by £1100.00 to include the additional space in the café area.
e. Tree maintenance regime. 2 x quotes have been requested. It was resolved to acquire another quote – stay on Agenda.
f. Tree Policy- To assist with measuring the hectors of Council owned trees it was suggested to use google earth – stay on Agenda.
g. Public Spaces/ rights of way overgrown- For any overgrown hedges, complaints should be reported on the portal at Staffs County Council, Roads and Highways.
h. Community Centre Trees – ref letter for from neighbour for permission to access car park for tree maintenance. Council agreed that in line with our policy that any overhanging trees onto property can be trimmed & disposed of. No height should be taken off unless the tree has been condemned proof has been received by a professional tree surgeon.
i) Nickit Path – Nickit path is intact, however there is some overgrowth that needs attention – contact usual contractor to cut back.
j) Office -Council are advised that the Bookings Clerk has been booked on a course which was noted.
k) Utilities – Contracts are now signed, to be ratified at full Council meeting.
l) Kelly Tots- Council were informed that the extension to Kelly Tots outdoor space is scheduled to start on the 30th of July to be completed with 5 days.
m) Church Magazine- Councillors discussed the content for August Parish magazine to include the grant awarded for the pools path and introduction of the Parish Council Admin Assistant.
n) Community Newsletter- Defer
o) Christmas Event ECC- Councillors discussed a Christmas event and resolved to approach the 1911 café for their thoughts.
p) Renew Waste Management- With new legislation on waste imminent and the Community Centre renewal due in November, it is necessary to obtain 3 quotes to discuss at the next management meeting.
6) Broad Lane
a) General- Nothing to report. Stay on the agenda.
b) Broad Lane Trees – Homeowner next to the driveway has trimmed overhanging branches as agreed.
7) Westcroft-
a) Trees – Chris has spoken to homeowners and is seeking advice regarding overgrown trees encroaching on property on the border of South Staffs and West Mids land.
8) Wyrley Juniors/Teddy Bears – Following a report of unusual activity on the driveway to Wyrley Juniors recently, nothing has yet been confirmed.
9) Pools
Ken Moseley left the chamber at 20.41 & returned at 20.43
a) LNR – Update – Bat conservation group have visited the pools and were impressed with bat activity and other findings, suggesting that they carry out a bio blitz in the future.
b) Pools Pathway –Ratify increase of 4k to cover additional material costs to the Pools Paths. Councillors agreed the increase in principle to be ratified at the next full council meeting the 30th of September 2024.
c) Water Testing- Device – The Pools water testing device has a fault and is now out of Guarantee. Councillor Fisher offered to take the unit to try & diagnose the fault.
d) Bailiff ID and Hi Viz – Purchase High Visibility Vests personalised with Essington Pools Bailiff & create photo ID badges/lanyards
10) Swan Park- Exercise/ Park Equipment – Council received an email from a resident regarding rats, Council advised that the resident should contact Environmental Health Pest Control.
11) Land Titles- Closed Session – update – Council have received an acknowledgement email.
13) Community Centre- Car Park Complaint – Complaint dropped, Council discussed the need to make car park more accessible for tenants and users.
14) Date of the Next Meeting- 23rd of September 2024
15) Closure. 21.06pm