Management Meeting
Essington Parish Council 12th June 2024
Management Meeting to be held on Monday the 17th of June 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Public Participation- 15 Mins.
Closed Session
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in the agenda items 11 & 12 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes the 22nd of April 2024
4. Matters Arising
5. ECC
a) Car Park- Letter to St John’s School
b) Car Park – Spare Barrier Posts
c) Posts and SIDS- Update
d) Community Centre Hall – Quotes.
e) Shop Space Windows
f) 1911 Café extended space.
g) Office – Adapt for Admin assistant additional PC and two new chairs.
h) Utilities- Latest Prices to consider.
i) Kelly Tots- Outdoor space alteration
j) Church Magazine- Content.
k.) Community Newsletter
Management Meeting the 16th of June 2024 Page 1 of 2
6) Broad Lane
a) General
b) Letter from Resident.
7) Westcroft- General
8) Wyrley Juniors/Teddy Bears
9) Pools
a) LNR – Update
b) Pools Pathway.
10) Swan Park- Exercise/ Park Equipment
11) Medical Centre- Closed session- Update
12) Land Titles- Closed Session – Update
13) Date of the Next Meeting- 22nd of July
14) Closure.
Essington Parish Council 220
Management Meeting held on Monday the 17th of June 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Public Participation- 15 Mins- No Public Participation.
Closed Session
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in the agenda items 11 & 12 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
1. Apologies- Gill Kelly
2. Declarations of Interest- None
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes the 22nd of April 2024- Proposed by Adrian, seconded by Chris, all in favour that the minutes are a true and accurate record.
4. Matters Arising- None
5. ECC
a) Car Park- Letter to St John’s School-The School have been approached regarding staff parking, however, there has been no change. It was suggested that Council invite the Headteacher to our next Full Council Meeting.
b) Car Park – Spare Barrier Posts-It has been noted that the current barriers are being destroyed by irresponsible driving. Council will consider other options for the next management meeting.
c) Posts and SIDS- Update- The Clerk to meet with Councillor for Broad Lane to fill out necessary forms for planning permission.
d) Community Centre Hall – Quotes- deferred, to end of the agenda, to allow Councillor’s to look at the options.
e) Shop Space Windows- Windows are due to be fitted on the 8th, 9th and 10th of July awaiting confirmation, the Clerk asked the window company to liaise with the Café regarding suitability of times due to opening times etc…
f) 1911 Café extended space- Councillors noted the idea for the extended area and suggested a meeting with the Café proprietor, the clerk to arrange.
g) Office – Adapt for Admin assistant additional PC and two new chairs- Council agreed in principle, to be recommended to Full Council for ratification.
h) Utilities- Latest Prices to consider- the clerk was asked to clarify the fixed terms of the contract, to be added to the next Full Council Agenda for ratification.
i) Kelly Tots- Outdoor space alteration- deferred
j) Church Magazine- Content- a template for content has been shared among Councillors to add any items they would like to add to the content of the magazine, the Clerk/Admin assistant will edit to suit.
k.) Community Newsletter- due to it being a while since we produced a Community Newsletter it was suggested that Council re introduce it on a 6 Monthly basis. The clerk to get quotes based on 8 x A5 pages, Glossy in Colour.
6) Broad Lane – General Council received a letter from a resident with some planning concerns, however, Council is unable to offer anything other than their advice due to it being a civil matter, the resident should seek legal advice through a solicitor or citizens advice bureau.
7) Westcroft- General- Nothing to report for Westcroft.
8) Wyrley Juniors/Teddy Bears- Nothing to Report for either Tennant.
9) Pools
a) LNR – Update- No update, to date
b) Pools Pathway- Councillors discussed the Health Inequalities Funding of 47k and agreed in principle to council funding the shortfall in costs to implement all five pathways. It was mentioned that there had been a good response to the recent questionnaire which had been sent out on social media.
10) Swan Park- Exercise/ Park Equipment- A 15k capital investment transfer as a virement from Swan Park Budget was suggested, to be added to the next Full Council Agenda for ratification.
11) Medical Centre- Closed session- Lease agreement details have been put on hold until after the general election.
12) Land Titles- Closed Session –Some documentation has been received from the Council’s solicitors, Chris to follow up.
13) Date of the Next Meeting- 22nd of July
14) Closure- 21.15
Signed by Louise Tipler- Clerk………………………………………………………20th of June 2024
Signed by Chris Steel- Chairman…………………………………………………..22nd of July 2024