Management Meeting
Essington Parish Council 17th of April 2024
Management Meeting to be held on Monday the 22nd of April 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Closed Session
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in the agenda items 11 & 12 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
Public Participation 15 Mins.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes the 18th of March 2024
4. Matters Arising
5. ECC
a) Car Park- Letter to St John’s School
b) Car Park Signage & Disability notices- Update
c) Posts and SIDS- Update
d) Community Centre Hall – Quotes.
e) Shop Space Windows – Quotes
f) Office – Adapt for Admin assistant- (additional pc, desk, chairs and remove cabinets and filing units).
g) Utilities- Latest Prices to consider.
h) Kelly Tots- Outdoor space alteration
i) Church Magazine- Content.
j) Long Lane Open Space Dog Bin (s)
k) Newsletters and Stationery.
6) Broad Lane – General
7) Westcroft- General
8) Wyrley Juniors/Teddy Bears
a) Entrance and Driveway Potholes
b) Gate Sign replacement- closing times
9) Pools
a) LNR – Update
b) Signage- Quote
c) Remembrance Plaque- Disability Fishing Peg- Update
10) Swan Park- Exercise Equipment
11) Medical Centre- Closed session- Update
12) Land Titles- Closed Session – Update
13) Date of the Next Meeting- 20th of May 2024
14) Closure.
Essington Parish Council 217
Management Meeting held on Monday the 22nd of April 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Closed Session
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in the agenda items 11 & 12 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
Present: Councillors, Chris Steel, Hilary Southern, Adrian Nicklin, James Parker, Warren Fisher, Susan Sheldon, Gill Kelly, Ken Moseley & Sam Curtis.
Also Present: Louise Tipler- Clerk
Public Participation 15 Mins.
1. Apologies- Thelma Mattison
2. Declarations of Interest- Gill Kelly declared an interest in item 5, h) on the Agenda.
3. Approval of the last meeting minutes the 18th of March 2024- Proposed by Adrian, seconded by Hilary, all in favour that the minutes were a true and accurate record.
4. Matters Arising- Parish Magazine template will be forwarded to Councillors to add content for the monthly magazine.
5. ECC
a) Car Park- Letter to St John’s School- Chris to speak with the headteacher of the school regarding staff parking and invite them to a Full Parish Council meeting.
b) Car Park Signage & Disability notices- Disability signs have been ordered.
c) Posts and SIDS- Update- Deferred to item 6 Broad Lane on the Agenda.
d) Community Centre Hall – One quote has been received for alterations to the Community Hall, 2 more quotes are necessary before further discussions.
e) Shop Space Windows – 2 Quotes have been received for replacement windows in the old School rooms to the rear of the Café area. Members considered both quotes and recommended the most competitive quote for ratification at Full Council.
f) Office – Adapt for Admin assistant- (additional pc, desk, chairs and remove cabinets and filing units). Members asked for a plan of the office space and a list of items required in preparation for the new member of staff.
g) Utilities- Latest Prices to consider- Council discussed the latest utilities quote which is due for renewal in August 2024 and resolved to wait a little longer before accepting any renewal contract.
h) Kelly Tots- Outdoor space alteration- Kelly Tots Nursery have requested approval from the Council to alter the current outdoor space to a covered all-weather area. Council agreed in Principal and recommended to Full Council for ratification.
i) Church Magazine- Content. As briefly mentioned in item 4. Councillors made suggestions for content suggesting a Monthly newsletter, Councillor profiles, general information, advertising, and Events etc…
j) Long Lane Open Space Dog Bin (s)- stay on Agenda
k) Newsletters and Stationery- Councillors discussed a suggestion from the clerk to purchase some contact cards or slips for handing out to visitors and suggested reintroducing the council’s newsletter. Stay on Agenda.
6) Broad Lane – General – Chris to liaise with a local construction company regarding the requirements of a section 50 Licences to allow works to install 2x SIDS cameras in Broad Lane. Stay on Agenda for next Management meeting.
7) Westcroft- General- Nothing to report
8) Wyrley Juniors/Teddy Bears
a) Entrance and Driveway Potholes- The works have been completed.
b) Gate Sign replacement- closing times. Deferred, stay on Agenda.
9) Pools
a) LNR – Update
b) Signage- Quote
c) Remembrance Plaque- Disability Fishing Peg- Update
10) Swan Park- Exercise Equipment
11) Medical Centre- Closed session- Update
12) Land Titles- Closed Session – Update
13) Date of the Next Meeting- 20th of May 2024
14) Closure.