Management Meeting
Essington Parish Council
Agenda – Management Meeting 1ST February 2021
1) Apologies
2) Declaration of Interests
3)Approval of the Minutes of the last Meeting
4) Matters Arising from the last Meeting
5) Correspondence
6) Centre Maintenance Quotes.
a) Emergency Lighting
b) Lighting Chamber and Kitchen
c) Emergency Exit’s Pharmacy and Café Area.
d) Plumbing removal of old system and replacement in Café area.
e) Security System CCTV
7) Asset Register
8) Peninsula HR Package
9) Secom Alarm & Key Fob Reprogramming
10) Locum Clerk
11) Fire Risk Assessment
12) Handy Man- Safety Ladders and Equipment.
13) Email Domain
14) Christmas Lights Removal
15) Car Park Surface
16)Alterations to Lobby Doors
17)Outside Lighting
18)Risk Assessments
19)Pools signage
20) Notice Boards
21) Swan Park
Draft Minutes – Management Meeting 1ST February 2021
1) Apologies Cllr S Curtis, Cllr A Curtis, Cllr Haddon was experiencing technical difficulties, hoping to join later.
2) Declaration of Interests-None
3) Approval of the Minutes of the last Meeting Proposed by Cllr Nicklin, Seconded by Cllr Southern, All in favour.
4) Matters Arising from the last Meeting- None
5) Correspondence-Concerns were raised from a local resident of the state of the path to be discussed at full council.
6) Community Centre Maintenance Quotes
a) Emergency Lighting-Proposed by Chairman Cllr Steel, Seconded by Cllr Nicklin, that we go ahead with Emergency lighting based on the quote of £4808.00 plus VAT. Cllr Lester proposed that we should seek another quotation, Chairman Cllr Steel proposed that unless we received a more competitive quote, Council will go with the initial quotation to be ratified at Full Council on the 8th February 2021- All in favour.
Cllr Haddon Joined giving his apologies @7.23pm.
b) Lighting Chamber and Kitchen-Proposed by Cllr Dodd, Seconded by Cllr Southern that we accept the average of three quotes due to differences in the quote specifications at a cost of £712.00 which was deemed best value for money, to be ratified at Full Council on the 8th February 2021- All in favour.
c) Emergency Exit’s Pharmacy and Café Area- Further Quotations needed.
d) Plumbing Repairs and Upgrades- Further Quotation needed- Council hope to receive another quotation before Full Council on Monday 8th February unless a better quotation is received for comparison, Council will go with initial quotation and ratify at Full Council on Monday 8th February 2021.Proposed by Chairman Cllr Steel, Seconded by Cllr Fisher- All in favour.
e) Security System CCTV/ Networking- Differ until later in the year.
7) Asset Register-Council to purchase Land titles, suggested that we ask locum clerk for advice- stay Agenda for next Management Meeting.
8) HR Package- Proposed by Cllr Nicklin, Seconded by Cllr Steel that Council engages with Peninsula- Cllr Lester objected requesting further quotations which he agreed to attain, to be put on Agenda for ratification at Monday’s Full Council 8TH February 2021, assuming Council receive further quotes.
9) Secom Alarm & Key Fob Reprogramming- For security reasons Community Centre fobs to be recoded, it was also discussed that Council introduce a Multi lock System which only allows access to specific areas of the centre. Further quotes needed.
10) Key Register- Further quotes needed.
11) Fire Risk Assessment-To be agreed at the next Full Council meeting, Monday 8th February 2021.
12) Handy Man- Safety Ladders and Equipment- Current Ladders to be removed from site.
13) Email Domain- Clerk to contact staffs digital with requirements and agreed email addresses.
14) Christmas Lights Removal- Councillors agreed to leave the lights in place for this year.
15) Car Park Surface- Cllr Steel to speak to Hilton Main.
16) Alterations to Lobby Doors-Get quotes to repair/ adjust
17) Outside Lighting- Get Quotes to replace or repair.
18) Risk Assessments-Locum Clerk and Acting Clerk to start working on the risk assessments.
19) Pools Signage- Get quotes to erect the signs.
20) Notice Boards- Cllr Nicklin will email quotes to clerk –cost to be ratified at Council 8th February 2021.
21) Swan Park-Sub Committee meeting to be arranged.
22) Closure-The meeting closed @ 9.15pm
23) Date of the Next Meeting-22nd February 2021.