Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 4th May 2021
to be held on 10th May 2021 commencing at 7pm
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on 10th May 2021 commencing at 7pm via Zoom.
Public Forum
Members of the Public are welcome to attend, a maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to commencement of the meeting should members of the public wish to ask any questions. Questions can be emailed to the clerk up to 12pm on the 10th May for consideration by the Parish Council.
End of Year Accounts 2020/2021
To take note of the of the Internal Audit Report 2020/2021 and note any actions.
a) The Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021 (section 1) is approved
b) The Accounting Statements 2020/2021 (section 2) are approved.
4. Arrangements-APM.
5. Closure
Signed By Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council
4th May 2021.
Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 4th May 2021 EP869
held on 10th May 2021 commencing at 7pm
Public Forum
Members of the Public are welcome to attend, a maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to commencement of the meeting should members of the public wish to ask any questions. Questions can be emailed to the clerk up to 12pm on the 10th May for consideration by the Parish Council.
No members of the public were in attendance.
Apologies- Cllr’s Gill Kelly, Andy Curtis, Clerk had been notified that Cllr Chris Dodd may be late due to other commitments unfortunately he was too late to join. Cllr Julie Cornfield joined @7.19pm
End of Year Accounts 2020/2021, The Chairman gave the Council a brief report on the end of year accounts summary.
To take note of the of the Internal Audit Report 2020/2021 and note any actions. Unfortunately, the Internal Audit report was unavailable for this meeting this has now been Deferred to the 24th May.
a) The Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021 (section 1) is approved. Deferred to 24th May
b) The Accounting Statements 2020/2021 (section 2) are approved. Deferred to the 24th May
4. Arrangements-APM. To be confirmed once Council have received further guidance on holding the Annual Parish Meeting.
5. Closure @ 7.47
Signed By Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council
4th May 2021.