Full Parish Council Meeting
Full Parish Council Meeting to be held Monday the 25th of September 2023 at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Essington Community Centre, Hobnock Road, WV112RF.
Public and Press are welcome to attend.
Closed Session – to Exclude the press and public during consideration of the item set out in the Agenda Item number 11 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set out in Paragraph 1 part 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the local Government Act 1972.
- Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th of July 2023
- Matters arising from previous minutes
- Co-option- welcome new members & sign necessary documents.
- District Councillors Report
- Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- August/ September 2023 as recommended by Finance Committee (excluding payment to Microshade until email connection issues are resolved).
7.2 Income and Expenditure Report- July/August 2023
7.3 Bank Reconciliation- July/August 2023
7.4 Ratify Tree maintenance Costs for High Hill due to die back based on Quotes of £4250 & £5250 plus Vat.
7.5 Ratify £1000.00 as a ceiling cost for Security Lighting rear Car Park One Way and Medical Centre.
7.6 Ratify re- Erection of notice Board at Westcroft.
7.7 To Note the receipt of the notice of Conclusion of the audit.
- Highways– Urgent Matters.
- Pre-Budget meeting date TBA
Agenda Full Parish Meeting Monday the 25th of September 2023 Page 1 of 2
- Celebration in the Community- date for Councillors information
- Staffing Matters (closed Session)- To consider additional hours on a temporary basis to enable the Clerk to complete CiLCA, from current 30 hours to 36.5 hours Mon- Fri on a Temporary basis from the 2nd of October 2023 – January the 1st 2024.
- Date of the next meeting
- Closure
Signed by Louise Tipler Clerk to the Parish Council the 20th of September 2023.
Full Parish Council Meeting to be held Monday the 25th of September 2023 at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Essington Community Centre, Hobnock Road, WV112RF.
Public and Press are welcome to attend.
Closed Session – to Exclude the press and public during consideration of the item set out in the Agenda Item number 11 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set out in Paragraph 1 part 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the local Government Act 1972.
- Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th of July 2023
- Matters arising from previous minutes
- Co-option- welcome new members & sign necessary documents.
- District Councillors Report
- Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- August/ September 2023 as recommended by Finance Committee (excluding payment to Microshade until email connection issues are resolved).
7.2 Income and Expenditure Report- July/August 2023
7.3 Bank Reconciliation- July/August 2023
7.4 Ratify Tree maintenance Costs for High Hill due to die back based on Quotes of £4250 & £5250 plus Vat.
7.5 Ratify £1000.00 as a ceiling cost for Security Lighting rear Car Park One Way and Medical Centre.
7.6 Ratify re- Erection of notice Board at Westcroft.
7.7 To Note the receipt of the notice of Conclusion of the audit.
- Highways– Urgent Matters.
- Pre-Budget meeting date TBA
Agenda Full Parish Meeting Monday the 25th of September 2023 Page 1 of 2
- Celebration in the Community- date for Councillors information
- Staffing Matters (closed Session)- To consider additional hours on a temporary basis to enable the Clerk to complete CiLCA, from current 30 hours to 36.5 hours Mon- Fri on a Temporary basis from the 2nd of October 2023 – January the 1st 2024.
- Date of the next meeting
- Closure
Signed by Louise Tipler Clerk to the Parish Council the 20th of September 2023.
Full Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 25th September 2023 at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Essington Community Centre, Hobnock Road, Essington WV112RF.
Public and Press – No one present.
Present: Councillors Chris Steel (Chairman), Gill Kelly, Hilary Southern (Vice-Chairman), James Parker, Ken Moseley, Steve Porter, Susan Sheldon, Thelma Mattison & Warren Fisher.
Also Present: Kate Roberts, RFO.
- Apologies – Adrian Nicklin.
- Declarations of Interest – Gill Kelly for Kellytots Nursery at item 7.2.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2023 – Proposed by Gill, seconded by Ken, all in favour that the minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.
- Matters arising from previous minutes – None.
- Co-option – Both candidates were unable to attend the meeting. The council considered the co-option of candidates for two of the four vacant seats. Glynn was proposed by Warren and seconded by Hilary. Sam Curtis was proposed by Gill and seconded by Chris. It was agreed to offer co-option to both candidates and resolve to appoint as Councillors at a further meeting, all in favour.
- District Councillors Report – A new bin had been installed, as requested by the shops, however, a new bin in Broad Lane had been refused. A new application would be submitted for work to be carried out on the trees in Danes Close. Councillors had been asked to name local businesses for inclusion in a locations feature. Staffordshire County Council (SCC) had been successful in a bid to support the delivery of an electric vehicle charging network, especially for residents without off street parking. The Parish Council may be approached by SCC and local charge points installed at SCC expense. A site visit would be arranged to look at traffic issues on Long Lane.
- Financial Matters
7.1 Schedules of Payments for August and September 2023. Receipts were noted, and payments approved as recommended by the Finance Committee, except one to Microshade, until an issue with emails had been resolved. Proposed by Warren, Seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
7.2 Income and Expenditure Reports for July and August 2023 were noted. It was resolved to move £8,000 from the Land at High Hill Capital Investment Budget to the Grounds Maintenance Budget to cover tree maintenance costs. Proposed by Warren, seconded by Chris, all in favour.
7.3 Bank Reconciliations for July and August 2023 were approved. Proposed by Warren, seconded by Ken, all in favour. New bank accounts were discussed, and this would be added to the agenda for the next Finance Committee meeting.
7.4 Ratify Tree Maintenance Costs at High Hill due to die back. It was resolved for tree maintenance work to be carried out up to a cost of £5,250 plus VAT based on quotes received. Proposed by James, seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
7.5 Ratify £1,000 as a ceiling cost for Security Lighting rear Car Park One-way and Medical Centre. Proposed by Chris, seconded by Gill, all in favour to ratify lighting costs up to £1,000.
7.6 Ratify Re-erection of Notice Board at Westcroft. Proposed by Chris, seconded by Gill, all in favour.
7.7 To note the receipt of the Audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The AGAR had been received from the external auditor, with no significant matters arising or minor issues identified. This had been published on the Council’s website along with the Notice of Conclusion of Audit.
- Highways – Urgent Matters. Councillors identified three areas with no road markings, which the Clerk would raise with Highways.
- Pre-Budget Meeting Date TBA – Councillors arranged a meeting at 7pm on 2nd October to start bringing information together to inform next year’s budget.
- Celebration in the Community – To be held on 4th February 2024. It was suggested that each Councillor nominates an individual to receive a reward to recognise work in the community. This would be added to the agenda for the next Management Committee meeting.
- Staffing Matters (closed Session) – It was agreed to increase the Clerk’s hours from 30 to 37 hours per week from 2nd October 2023 to 1st January 2024 to enable her to complete the CiLCA qualification. Proposed by Gill, Seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
- Date of the next Full Council Meeting – 23rd October 2023.
- Closure – 8.30pm.
Signed by Kate Roberts, RFO 26th September 2023.