Full Council
20th of November 2024
Essington Parish Council Full Council meeting to be held on Monday the 25th November2024 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in agenda items 13 & 14 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
Public and Press Participation- 15 mins
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday the 28th of October 2024.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes
5. District Councillors Report
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Schedule of Payments November 2024.
6.2 Income and Expenditure October 2024.
6.3 Bank Reconciliation October 2024.
6.4 Ratify Full costs for the Pools Pathway Project- UKSPF Grant
7. Bollards – Hawthorne Road – Replace originals.
8. Christmas Tree 2026 – Fingerpost Island.
9. Grant Application – F.O.E.
10. Planning Application – Solar Farmland South of Bognop Road.
12. Civic Sunday Event 2025
13. Pedestrian Fall
14 Medical Centre – Update
15. Date of the next meeting- December 16th, 2024.
15. Closure.
Essington Parish Council Full Council meeting held on Monday the 25th November2024 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Exclusion of the press and public: to exclude the press and public during the consideration of the items set out in agenda items 13 & 14 on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set in paragraph 1of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the local government act 1972.
Public and Press Participation- 15 mins
Present: Councillors- Chairman, Chris Steel, Vice-Chair Hilary Southern, James Parker, Thelma Mattison, Warren Fisher, Joy Markiewicz & Ken Moseley.
Also present: Louise Tipler Clerk, Kate Roberts RFO & Joe Yates Admin.
1. Apologies - Councillor- Gill Kelly.
2. Declarations of Interest - None
3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday the 28th of October 2024-Proposed by Hilary, seconded by Ken, all in favour, that the minutes were a true and accurate record.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes -No matters arising.
5. District Councillors Report - It was mentioned that it was inevitable that South Staffs will be impacted, by the governments plans to deliver 1.5 million homes a year.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Schedule of Payments November 2024-Proposed by Chris, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.2 Income and Expenditure October 2024-Proposed by Chris, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.3 Bank Reconciliation October 2024-Propsed by Chris, seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
6.4 Ratify Full costs for the Pools Pathway Project- UKSPF Grant – The funding figures presented were agreed by Councillors, the Council delegated authority to the Chairman and Clerk to sign the funding agreement. Proposed by Warren, seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
7. Bollards (Hawthorne Road) – Councillors agreed for FOE to replace bollards that have been knocked over by vehicles parking on the path in Hawthorne Road proposed by Chris, seconded by James, all in favour.
8. Christmas Tree 2026 (Fingerpost Island)- Councillors resolved that it is not viable due to excessive costs and highways visibility.
9. Grant Application (F.O.E.) – Grant to cover admin costs, Councillors resolved to continue to maintain and supply the church light and Community Centre. Proposed by Ken, seconded by Thelma, all in favour.
10. Planning Application, Solar Farmland South of Bognop Road- Councillors discussed the application and resolved to arrange a meeting with the Solar Panel Company at the Management meeting on the 20th of January 2025 to allow members of the Council and public to have their say.
12. Civic Sunday Event 2025 - Invitations to be sent out week commencing the 16th of December, forward Order of Service to the printers, to be collected in January. Flowers have been ordered for delivery on the 2nd of February 2024.
13. Pedestrian Fall – waiting for a reply from the insurers.
14. Medical Centre – Update - Stay on Agenda, the Clerk advised Council that she is awaiting further correspondence before she responds to the Medical Centre.
15. Date of the next meeting- December 16th 2024.
16. Closure – 8.46pm.