Full Council
19th of June 2024.
Essington Parish Council Full Council meeting to be held on Monday the 24th of June 2024 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Public and Press Participation
1. Apologies
a) Introduce the new Admin Assistant
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 28th of May 2024.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes
5. District Councillors Report
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Ratify Quotation of £674.14 plus VAT to supply new PC to the Parish Office.
6.2 Ratify costs for external building work to create a separate Community Hall entrance porch. (3 x quotations tabled at the meeting).
6.3 Ratify to dissolve the Petty Cash and pay remainder into the Councils Bank Account.
6.4 Ratify quote to Supply and Fit new radiator to the Parish Council Office at a cost of £468.00 plus VAT.
6.5 Ratify costs of £349.00 plus VAT to purchase a new office chair, desk and unit for the Parish office to accommodate new member of staff.
6.6 Ratify to set General Reserves at a minimum level of 45k as recommended by the Internal Auditor
6.7 Ratify new utility contract to remain with current suppliers British Gas and SEFE.
(Current contract due to expire in August 2024.)
6.8 Ratify Virement of 15k Capital Investment from Swan Park Budget into Westcroft Budget. As discussed at Management on Monday the 17th of June 2024.
6.9 Ratify Tennant’s rent for the Medical Centre.
6.10 Schedule of Payments- June 2024
6.11 Income and Expenditure Reports- May 2024
6.12 Bank Reconciliation both Accounts – May 2024
7. Agar (Annual Governance and Accounting Statement)
a) To Receive the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
b) To take note of the Internal Audit report (AGAR Page 3) 2023/24
c) The Annual Governance Statement (AGAR Page 4) 2023/24 is approved
d) The Accounting Statement (AGAR Page 5) 2023/24 is approved.
8. To agree the Notice of appointment date for the exercise of public rights Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2024 as Tuesday the 25th of June 2024. Inspection period start date Wednesday the 26th of June to end date the 6th of August.
9. Co-option
10. Date of the next meeting the 29th of July 2024.
11. Closure.
Essington Parish Council Full Council meeting held on Monday the 24th of June 2024 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Public and Press Participation – 1x Member of the Public was present and no press.
Present: Councilor’s Chris Steel Chairman, Vice- Chair Hilary Southern, Adrian Nicklin, Gill Kelly, James Parker, Warren Fisher, Thelma Mattison, Ken Moseley & Sam Curtis
Also Present: Louise Tipler Clerk, Kate Roberts RFO, & Joe Yates Admin.
1. Apologies – None
a) Introduce the new Admin Assistant Joe Yates was introduced.
2 Declarations of Interest. None
3 Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 28th of May 2024. Proposed by Hilary, seconded by Chris, all in favour, that the minutes were a true and accurate record.
4 Matters arising from previous minutes. None.
a) brought forward from Item 9 on the Agenda, Councillor’s Co-Opted Mrs Joy Markiewicz to the Parish Council taking her seat for Central Ward Councillor.
5 District Councillors Report. It was reported that there are discussions continuing regarding changes in refuse legislation.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Ratify Quotation of £674.14 plus VAT to supply new PC to the Parish Office
Proposed by Chris, seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
6.2 Ratify costs for external building work to create a separate Community Hall entrance porch. (3 x quotations tabled at the meeting). Call on general reserves, increase ECC capital investment budget by £15,000. Proposed by Adrian, seconded by Warren all in favour,
6.3 Ratify to dissolve the Petty Cash and pay remainder into the Councils Bank Account. Proposed by Chris, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.4 Ratify quote to Supply and Fit new radiator to the Parish Council Office at a cost of £468.00 plus VAT. Proposed by Chris, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.5 Ratify costs of £349.00 plus VAT to purchase a new office chair, desk and unit for the Parish office to accommodate new member of staff. Proposed by Chris, Seconded by Sam, all in favour.
6.6 Ratify to set General Reserves at a minimum level of 45k as recommended by the Internal Auditor. Proposed by Chris, Seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
6.7 Ratify new utility contract to remain with current suppliers British Gas and SEFE.
(Current contract due to expire in August 2024.) Fixed term with British Gas for 3 years. Proposed by Ken, seconded by Adrian, one abstained, and agreed to go with the cheaper option.
6.8 Ratify Virement of 15k Capital Investment from Swan Park Budget into Westcroft Budget. As discussed at Management on Monday the 17th of June 2024. Proposed by Adrian, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.9 Ratify additional cost £15,910.72 to complete the Pools Paths, ref the Health Inequalities Funding Project. Waiting upon extra quotes, Proposed by Joy, seconded by James, all in favour.
6.10 Ratify Tennant’s rent for the Medical Centre. Proposed by Warren, seconded by Sam, all in favour.
6.11 Schedule of Payments- June 2024. Proposed by Hilary, Seconded by Chris, all in favour.
6.12 Income and Expenditure Reports- May 2024. Proposed by James, seconded by Warren, all in favour.
6.13 Bank Reconciliation both Accounts – May 2024. Proposed by Chris, seconded by Ken, all in favour.
7. Agar (Annual Governance and Accounting Statement)
a) To Receive the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
b) To take note of the Internal Audit report (AGAR Page 3) 2023/24
c) The Annual Governance Statement (AGAR Page 4) 2023/24 is approved
d) The Accounting Statement (AGAR Page 5) 2023/24 is approved. Proposed by Warren, seconded by Hilary, all in favour.
8. To agree the Notice of Appointment date for the Exercise of Public Rights accounts for the year ended 31st March 2024 as Tuesday the 25th of June 2024. Inspection period start date Wednesday the 26th of June to end date the 6th of August.
Councillors noted the date for the notice of Public Rights.
9. Co-option – Joy Markiewicz, was co-opted onto the Council for Central Ward. See Agenda Item 4 a)
10. Date of the next meeting. 29th July 2024 at 7pm.
11. Closure 20.25pm