Full Council Meeting
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 17th July 2019 @ 7-pm
Essington Community Centre
Public Participation
- Apologies
- Declaration of Interest of Members
2a. Crime Report
- Approval of Minutes of the last Meeting 10th June 2019.
- Matters arising from last Meetings minutes.
- County Councillors Report
- District Councillors Report (inc visitors proposal)
- Correspondence
- Finance
- Planning
- Brownshore Pre-School
- Highways
- Essington in Bloom
- Food Bank
- Community Centre Car Park
- Sub Committees-Chairman Feedback
Date of Next Meeting Monday 9th September 2019 – 7.pm.
Signed by: L Tipler Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council
DRAFT Minutes of Essington Parish full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2019-7pm
Present Chairman-Councillor Chris Steel
Councillor W. Haddon
Councillor J. Slim
Councillor R Mattison
Councillor W. Fisher
Councillor R. Ewers
Councillor S. Curtis
Councillor M. Moore
Councillor R. Pole
Councillor G. Kelly
Councillor C. Dodd
Councillor S. Porter
Also Present- County Councillor Kath Perry
4 Members of the Public.
Chairman Chris Steel opened the meeting and welcomed the new Councillors recently co-opted by the Parish Council. Sam Curtis, Michael Moore and Rob Ewers. Welcoming also County Councillor Kath Perry.
Councillor G. Southern
Councillor R. Bradburn
- Declarations of Interest of Members
Councillor Warren Fisher and Councillor Gill Kelly declared an interest in item 10 on the agenda.
2a. Crime Report 17.06.2019-17.7.2019
Residential Burglary- Hough Way £15,000 of Jewellery taken see Staffordshire Police twitter page for further information. Thirlmere Drive Mac Book, Watch, Tools and Car Keys taken. Bognop Road x2 Garages accessed tools taken and £30 in Cash from other.
Vehicle Crime-Cannock Road smashed car window.
ASB Hotspots-Brownshore Lane- Youth related. Long Lane- Motorbikes Related. Kitchen Lane– noise issues. Wolverhampton Road- Youth related vehicle noise, multiple reports of noise issues. Hill Street and Buttermere Drive-Youth related. Cannock Road-Neighbour Issue. PCSO’s aware and patrolling the area to provide advice and reassurance to local residents.
Social Media -Smart Alerts / South Staffs Twitter. Advertise next Online Surgery, Face to Face surgery and trending crimes, Poster at Essington Post Office for Local drop- ins.
3.Minutes of the last Meeting 10th June 2019
Proposed by Councillor Slim seconded by Councillor Pole
Resolved that the minutes are a true record.
4.Matters arising from last meetings minutes
Councillor Fisher asked if any progress (after ratification of £250) had been made towards new signage at the Pools. The Acting Clerk advised that she had briefly spoken with the Pools Bailiff regarding information on Signage and Fishing Permits.
5.County Councillors report
Broad Lane, High Hill, Landy wood flooding was discussed, Cameras are going down into the drains to look into the problem in Broad lane to investigate the problem further. Hawthorne Road footpaths in particular need urgent attention. Councillor Slim asked if residents could perhaps administer their own weed killer assuming it is child and pet friendly. Overgrowth in Brownshore lane forcing motorists into the centre of the road needs cutting back. Traffic Lights at haywards corner mentioned. Councillor Kath Perry is aware and will look into all points raised.
- District councillors report (including visitor’s proposal) Howard Medlicot gave the Council an interesting presentation based on the environment and open space Management. Focusing mainly on the pools area, an Ecology report would be necessary and the Parish Council would like to adapt an LNR status. The Council are to consider a Management plan and arrange a meeting for anyone who may be interested in getting involved working in conjunction with the Pools Ranger. Councillor Moore asked the Council for approximate costs re Ecology Report and Management Plan an amount of £500 for each was mentioned. It was resolved that the Council agreed in principal to investigate and discuss further at the next Management Meeting. Councillor Fisher commented on local plans being discussed at District, both Councillors Steel and Fisher expressed concerns that they cannot discuss future plans with local residents. They have also put forward an idea of potentially developing a new School on the DX Site.
Swan park nuisance to neighbour was discussed and was concluded that the Acting Clerk write to the resident for his thoughts on how the problem can be resolved. A Letter to Barry Herrod of Bovis Homes was thought necessary after derogatory comments were made on social media aimed at Essington Residents.
Teddy Bears/Wyrley Juniors to be contacted re- ongoing Electricity meter readings.
Land owner to be contacted to address overgrowth in alley ways in Broad Lane.
Due to the complexity of the Accounts acceptance was given in Principal.
Councillor Fisher Proposed Councillor Dodd Seconded and resolved.
Chairman Chris Steel asked for an Extension at 8.50-9.15.
- Brownshore Pre-School
Councillor Kelly and Councillor Fisher left the Chamber at 9pm.
It was discussed and advised by Chairman Councillor Steel that there was a slight delay in terms of Deeds confirmation and potential lease negotiations.
Councillor Kelly and Councillor Fisher returned to the Chamber at 9.02pm
All highways issues had been covered earlier in the meeting in item 5 and 7
Councillor Slim gave a brief update Chairman Councillor Steel again thanked Councillor Slim for his involvement and continued hard work on the project.
13.Food Bank
14.Community Centre Car Park
The Community Centre Car Park was discussed with members commenting especially on the area outside the Doctors Surgery, which is now considered hazardous. It was resolved that Councillor Slim will speak with Hilton Main to get a quote for the works.
15.Sub Committees (Feedback from Chair Person)
Notes from the first pools committee were perused over and Councillor Slim (Chair of pools Committee) agreed that all items discussed were noted. Making a point about the issues of the walkway behind the houses in Buttermere Drive needed attention.
Meetings for the Finance, Personnel & Tearooms Committee tba.
Chairman Chris Steel Closed the Meeting at 9.17
Date of the Next Meeting 9th September 2019.