Full Council
This meeting is permissible under the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 Regulations”) which came into force on 04 April 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 2020 Regulations enable local councils to hold remote meetings (including any by video and telephone conferencing) for a specified period until 07 May 2021.
Closed Session
Due to exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local Government act 1972 the meeting will go into closed session with the exclusion of the public and press for Item 18) Locum Clerk & 19) Staff Contracts.
Members of the public may join the meeting and participate in the Public Forum by using Zoom:
Louise Tipler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Essington Parish Council
Time: Apr 26, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 9432 2492
Passcode: 639072
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. If you prefer, queries or comments may be emailed to the Parish Clerk (clerk@essingtonpc.org) no later than 12 noon on Monday 26th April 2021 for consideration by the parish council.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the meetings held on the 1st and 29th March
4. Matters arising from previous minutes
5. District Councillors Report
6. Correspondence
7. Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- to be tabled at the meeting
7.2 Bank Balance as at 31st March 2021- to be tabled at the meeting
7.3 Preliminary End of Year Figures/Internal Audit.
7.4 Payment Card
7.5 Ratify Pay Increase in line with NLW- £8.91
8. Response to Advert- Clerk Vacancy
9. Pharmacy -Hall Hire Update
10. Reopening of ECC
11. Licences- 1911 Café/ Esther’s Wardrobe
12. Food Bank- Update
13. Swan Park- Update
14. Email Domain
15. Essington Pools- Update
16. Maintenance ECC- Update
17. Essington Potential Woodland
18. Locum Clerk
19. Staff Contracts.
Louise Tipler 26th April 2021.
Essington Parish Council Full Council minutes 26th April 2021 EP866
Closed Session
Due to exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local Government act 1972 the meeting
will go into closed session with the exclusion of the public and press for Item 18) Locum Clerk & 19)
Staff Contracts.
Chairman Councillor Steel
Vice-Chairman Councillor Haddon
Councillors W. Fisher, H. Southern, D. Lester, A. Nicklin, G. Kelly, S. Porter, J. Cornfield.
In attendance
L Tipler Acting Clerk
1. Apologies Councillor Sam Curtis, Councillor Andy Curtis
2. Declarations of Interest- none
3. Minutes of the meetings held on the 1st and 29th March. Resolved and Approved as an
accurate record- March 1st 2021- Proposed by Cllr Nicklin, Seconded by Councillor Lester- All
in favour. March 29th 2021 Proposed by Cllr Fisher, Seconded by Cllr Haddon- All in favour.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes- None
5. District Councillors Report – Boundary review continues. The Local plan, urban extension
through Essington and the impact on the area was mentioned and deferred to the next
Management meeting
6. Correspondence- Reports of Rat poison found around the pools area has been reported to
Staffs County Council and the Police.
Funds Raised by Essington Community residents for Swan Park following damage to
equipment caused by fire have been received the Council wish to thank all concerned for
their kindness and generosity.
Member of the public wrote in and sent Photographs of large of Terrapins in the Pools
County Council to be made aware.
7 Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- to be tabled at the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Southern, Seconded by
Cllr Haddon- All in favour
7.2 Bank Balance as at 31st March 2021- to be tabled at the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Southern,
Seconded by Cllr Haddon- All in favour
7.3 Preliminary End of Year Figures/Internal Audit. The Chairman advised Councillors that the
year-end accounts had been successfully completed. The internal Audit of the accounts has
also been completed, Council is expecting their report shortly.
7.4 Payment Card- Deferred EP867
7.5 Ratify Pay Increase in line with NLW- £8.91 Proposed by Cllr Kelly, Seconded by Cllr LesterAll in Favour
8. Response to Advert- Clerk Vacancy- Council Suggested readvertising more widely through
the Government Website and perhaps LinkedIn. Proposed by Cllr Fisher, Seconded by
Southern- All in favour
9. Pharmacy Hall Hire- No longer required
10. Reopening of ECC- Council discussed briefly the reopening of the Community Centre, it was
resolved that before any dates to reopen are released, the Centre’s CCTV, Security and
Alarm System needs an upgrade. Attempts will be made to gather 3 quotes for each for the
next Management Meeting.
11. Licences- 1911 Café/ Esther’s Wardrobe- Both Businesses have now been given their
proposed Licenses.
12. Food Bank- Update, Despite the best efforts of Councillors manning the Food bank on 3
separate occasions there has been very little uptake. It was suggested that later dated items
will be kept on site as a standby should there be any requirements all other items should be
donated/Offered to local Care homes Cherry Tree Court and Moseley Court.
The Chairman asked for an extension to the meeting at 8.47pm- 9.15pm
13. Swan Park- Update Deferred to Management Meeting
14. Email Domain- Due to some Councillors experiencing issues accessing the new email domain
members were advised to contact the provider direct.
15. Essington Pools- Update. Deferred to Management
16. Maintenance ECC- Update. Deferred to Management
The Chairman asked for an extension to the meeting at 8.47pm- 9.15pm
17. Essington Potential Woodland – Following an onsite meeting The Chairman and Councillor
Fisher have earmarked areas within Essington to qualify for tree planting offered by the
Forest of Mercier more details to follow.
18. Locum Clerk- A brief discussion took place and the matter was resolved.
19. Staff Contracts- It was resolved that the Contracts Committee will meet to discuss further.
Agenda items for Management
Hall Reopening
Bar- (Tenders)EP868
Essington Pools
Swan Park
Maintenance ECC
Actions to be carried out from the Meeting
Councillor Southern/ Councillor Nicklin to liaise to arrange distribution of food bank items
Councillor Kelly gather at least 2x Quotes for CCTV.