Finance Sub Committee
Essington Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting the 3rd of July 2023.
- Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- Summary of Payments 10th of July
- Debtors List
- Financial Regulations
- Tennant’s Leases
- Land Titles
- Pools Budget
- Roof Quotes
- Date of the next meeting
Signed by Louise Tipler- Clerk
27th of June 2023
Essington Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting the 3rd of July 2023.
Present: Councillor’s Chris Steel, Warren Fisher, Adrian Nicklin, and Ken Moseley
Also Present: Kate Roberts RFO and Clerk Louise Tipler.
- Apologies- Hilary Southern
- Declarations of Interest- None
- Summary of Payments 10th of July- Proposed by Chris, Seconded by Warren all in favour of the payment schedule to be recommended to Full Council for ratification.
- Debtors List– It was noted that there were several accounts overdue, the Clerk and RFO to follow up.
- Financial Regulations – Councillors agreed to the amendments as set out in the Financial Regulations Page 8, 5.7, Page 10, 6.9, and Page 16, Item H.
- Tennant’s Leases – It was resolved to contact the Council’s Solicitors to review all Tennant’s leases and apply for land titles on behalf of the Parish Council.
- Land Titles- As discussed under item 6
- Pools Budget-
- Roof Quotes- The Council received and discussed three roof quotes. Council resolved to engage with Local Company Swynwood Properties. Ken Moseley was delegated to project manage the works.
- Date of the next meeting: TBA
- 8.50pm
Signed by Louise Tipler- Clerk
6th of July 2023