Finance Sub-Committee
Essington Parish Council- Finance Sub- Committee Meeting
Meeting to be held Monday the 4th of October 2021 @ at Essington Community Centre Council Chamber.
Public are welcome to attend
1. Appointment of Vice- Chairman
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of interests
4. Minutes of the last meeting-
5. Bank balances as of 30th September 2021-
6. Reconciliations as of 30th September 2021-
7. Summary of payments to be recommended to Council.
8. Summary of Income for month of September.
9. AGAR- External auditors report
10. Spend against Budget
11. Additional Bank Account – Follow up on actions from last meeting.
12. Yearly Work Plan
13. Follow up on actions from last meeting
14. Policy Focus – Financial Risk Assessment
15. Date of next meeting
16. Closure