Extraordinary Meeting- Zoom
Essington Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting- Zoom
Tuesday August 25TH @ 7pm.
- Apologies
- 2. To receive the 2019/2020 Annual Governance and Accounting Statement (AGAR).
- a) To take note of the Internal Audit Report (AGAR page 3) 2019/2020 and to note any actions.
- b) To agree and complete the Annual Governance Statement (AGAR page 4) 2019/2020
- c) To agree and sign the Accounting Statement (AGAR page 5) 2019/2020
- 3. Approve Financial Regulations.
- 4. Ratify RBS Accounts Package.
- 5. Date of the next meeting.
- 6. Closure.
Essington Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting- Zoom
Tuesday August 25TH @ 7pm.
- Apologies Cllr Dodd, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Bradburn, Cllr Curtis
- To receive the 2019/2020 Annual Governance and Accounting Statement (AGAR).
- a) To take note of the Internal Audit Report (AGAR page 3) 2019/2020 and to note any actions. Proposed by Cllr Lester Seconded by Cllr Haddon-All in Favour
- b) To agree and complete the Annual Governance Statement (AGAR page 4) 2019/2020
Proposed by Cllr Fisher Seconded by Cllr Southern-All in Favour
- c) To agree and sign the Accounting Statement (AGAR page 5) 2019/2020
Proposed by Cllr Fisher Seconded by Cllr Haddon- All in Favour
- Approve Financial Regulations.
Proposed by Cllr Haddon Seconded by Cllr Porter-All in Favour
- Ratify RBS Accounts Package.
Proposed by Cllr Southern Seconded by Cllr Moore to purchase Financial Software Ratified Amount of £3000.00 -All in Favour
- Date of the next meeting. tba
- Closure-