Full Council Meeting
Agenda Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 12th October 2020 @7pm. Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Due to Exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local government act 1972 the meeting will go into closed session with the exclusion of public and press for item 17) Clerk/Staffing arrangements.
Public Participation
1) Apologies
2) Declaration of Interests
3) Approval of minutes of the last Meeting
4) Matters arising from the last Meetings Minutes
5) County Councillors Report
6) District Councillors Report
7) Correspondence
8) Co-Option- New Councillor Introduction
9) Finance
A. Bank Summary-Payments to be passed
10) Planning
11) Swan Park
a) Equipment Quotations
b) Future of the Play Area.
12) School- (Road Safety)
13) Shop Proposal- (Old Parlour)
14) Community Centre- (Maintenance)
15) Essington Pools
A. Signage
B. Weed Management
C. Accessibility (British Disabled Angling Association)
16) Notice Boards All Wards.
17) Clerk/Staffing Arrangements.
18) Date of the Next Meeting
19) Closure
Minutes of Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 12th October 2020 @7pm. Meeting held via Zoom.
Due to Exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local government act 1972 the meeting will go into closed session with the exclusion of public and press for item 17) Clerk/Staffing arrangements.
Public Participation. Questions to be sent to the clerk@essingtonpc.org by 12pm on Monday 12th October.
Public Participation
1) Apologies- Cllr Bradburn, Cllr Moore
2) Declaration of Interests-Cllr Kelly declared an interest in item 7) Correspondence. Cllr Steel and Cllr Southern declared an interest in item 12) School Road Safety.
3) Approval of minutes of the last Meeting-Proposed by Cllr Haddon, Seconded by Cllr Curtis – All in Favour.
4) Matters arising from the last Meetings Minutes-Grass cutting B G Grounds- Cllr Steel to make contact.
5) County Councillors Report-None, it was suggested that perhaps a separate meeting could be arranged with Councillors, Kath Perry, Mark Keeling and David Williams. Clerk to contact.
6) District Councillors Report-Cllr Fisher
7) Correspondence-Kelly Tots Nursery have registered an interest in the Grass area to the rear of the car park to be put on the next Agenda. Quotation for renewal of insurance policy. Cllr Dodd asked for the clerk to check what the insurance requirements are for servicing the new Fire Alarm System.
8) Co-Option- New Councillor Introduction- Adrian Nicklin was introduced at the start of the meeting as the co-opted Cllr for Central Ward.
9) Finance
A. Bank Summary-Payments to be passed-Proposed by Cllr Curtis, Seconded by Cllr Kelly- All in Favour.
10) Planning- None – Agenda Item for next Meeting to discuss Parish Councils involvement.
11) Swan Park- A Committee has been set up to meet and discuss.
a) Equipment Quotations- Companies have been contacted the Council/ Committee are still awaiting Quotes.
b) Future of the Play Area – Differed to the Swan Park Committee
c) CCTV- Differed to the Swan Park Committee
12) School- (Road Safety) Cllr Fisher explained that every effort is in place to improve road safety around the School however, until a road safety audit has taken place in Hobnock Road nothing can progress, unfortunately traffic calming and School parking should have been implemented before Bovis Homes started developing the housing site.
13) Shop Proposal- (Old Parlour) – Committee to meet with Esther’s Wardrobe for a Q & A session.
14) Community Centre- (Maintenance)- Next Agenda once Quotes are received.
15) Essington Pools- Cllr Fisher mentioned to Councillors that Council had received a Draft License for the pools extended to 2023
A. Signage- Awaiting fitting
B. Weed Management- Differed to a later date
C. Accessibility (British Disabled Angling Association) Differed to a later date
16) Notice Boards All Wards. – Stay on the Agenda
17) Clerk/Staffing Arrangements. – Confidential Minute
At 8.37 pm The Chairman asked Councillors for an extension to the meeting until 9.15 pm
18) Date of the Next Meeting- 9th November 2020
19) Closure: 9.15pm