Parish Council Meeting
Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom.
Due to exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local government act 1972 the Meeting will go into closed session with the exclusion of public and press for item 13. Office- Staffing arrangements and item 14. Tearooms -New Tennant’s Proposals.
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Crime Report?
4. Approval of the minutes of the last Meeting
5. Matters arising from the last Meetings minutes.
6. District Councillors Report
7. Correspondence
8. Finance
a) Bank-Summary of Payments to be passed.
b) Wages- Total
c) Revised Budget
d) Employ Partridge Allen to review all Tennant’s Leases.
e) Tennant’s -Utility Payments
9. Planning -Bovis Application Update.
10. Pre -School Update.
11. Community Centre FRA Update.
12. Pools Car Park.
a) Pools Fishing Update.
13. Office Staffing Arrangements.
14. Tearooms -New Tennant’s Proposals
15. Date of next Meeting
16. Closure
Essington Parish Council Minutes 28th May 2020- Zoom.
Draft Minutes
Due to exempt information as set out in schedule 12a to the local Government act 1972 the Meeting will go into closed session with the exclusion of public and press for item 13) Office- Staffing Arrangements and item 14) Tearooms- New Tenants Proposal.
Chairman Chris Steel opened the Virtual Meeting @6pm.
1.Apologies Cllr Michael Moore, Cllr Rachel Pole, Cllr Robert Bradburn.
- Declarations of Interest. Cllr Fisher and Cllr Kelly declared an interest in item 10 -Pre School on the Agenda
3.Crime Report- None
4.Approval of the Minutes of the last Meeting. Proposed by Cllr Haddon Seconded by Cllr Kelly-all in favour
5.Matters arising from the last Meetings Minutes. Chairman Chris Steel mentioned that leaflets for the increased precept had not been published.
6.District Councillors Report. Cllr Fisher mentioned fly tipping in the area, suspects had been caught on camera and are facing prosecution. Street Buddies set up by the Council to assist the vulnerable has helped many in the Community and has been a huge success.
7.Correspondence. Cllr Dodd mentioned a slight change to the new Website, Vision ICT will continue to host the domain.
18.41 Cllr Porter off Camera
18.42 Cllr Porter returned.
- A) Summary of Payments to be passed
- B) Wages Total– Expenditure. Proposed by Cllr Southern, Seconded by Cllr Dodd, All in favour
C)Revised Budget-Adjustments to the Budget due to Covid19 the decline in Council income/Expenditure and closure of the Tearooms. Proposed by Cllr Fisher, Seconded by Cllr Haddon, All in favour.
D)Employ Partridge Allen to review all Tenants Leases-Ratified £1000.00 expenditure to cover costs. Proposed by Cllr Curtis, Seconded by Cllr Porter, All in favour.
- E) Tenants-Utility Payments- Near to completion.
Planning-Bovis application update- No response or anything to discuss re: Hobnock Road, restructuring.
Pre School Update- No movement with the Nursery due to Covid19
Community Centre FRA Update- Cllr Dodd informed the Council of a slight extra cost for 3 extra Smoke Alarms, Emergency Exit lighting to be completed. Waiting for Medical Centre to synchronize their Fire Company with ours to sign off the Panels.
Pools Car Park-To be reviewed at the next Full Council Meeting.
Pools Fishing Update-Acting Clerk to contact County Council for their COVID19 risk assessments and site Management of the Pools area.
Office Staffing Arrangements-Deferred to Sub Committee
Tearooms -New Tenants Proposal-Closed Session.
Date of the Next Meeting- 22nd June 2020 @ 7pm via Zoom