Full Council Meeting
Essington Parish Council 9th March 2021
Full Council Meeting to be held on Monday 14th March 2022 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber at Essington Community Centre. Members of the Public are welcome to attend.
Public Participation 15 minutes
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st February 2022
4. Matters arising from previous minutes
5. District Councillors Report
6. Correspondence
7. Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- To be tabled at the meeting (Separate Sheet)
7.2 Income and Expenditure Report
7.3 Bank Reconciliation
7.4 Ratify EMR
7.5 Agree and Ratify Budget 2022/23
7.6 Ratify Pay Increase as agreed and set out by Local Government Services Pay Agreement @ 1.75%. Rate of Pay April 2022-23 increase to SCP20 (Clerk) SCP27 (RFO). (Separate sheet)
7.7 Ratify Back Pay dated from April 2021- (Separate Sheet)
7.8 Ratify Hall Hire Charges- TBC
7.9 Ratify costs for Hall Tables & Chairs Renewal.
7.10 Community Charity Fund 10k
8. S106 Agreement
9. Donations for Ukraine
10. Highways
11. Millennium Stone- update
12. Pools Lease
13. Pools Grant Application
14. Dog Waste Signs
15. Climate Change
16. Essington Show 2022
17. Away Day/Civic Sunday
18. Spring 6 Race
19. Date of the next tba
20. Closure
Additional Documents Copies to all Councillor’s
Item 7.1 Summary of Payments
Item 7.2 Inc and Expenditure Report
Item 7.3 Bank Reconcilliation
Item 7.4 EMR-(Proposed)
Item 7.5 Budget Report as at 28.02.2022
Signed By Louise Tipler
Essington Parish Council 9th March 2022
Essington Parish Council 14th March 2021
Draft Minutes
Full Council Meeting held on Monday 14th March 2022 @ 7pm in the Council Chamber at Essington Community Centre.
Chairman Chris Steel, Councillor’s Hilary Southern, Winston Haddon, Adrian Nicklin, Steve Porter, Thelma Mattison, Louize Jackson, Susan Sheldon, James Parker.
Clerk- Louise Tipler
RFO- Kate Roberts
Public Participation 15 minutes- No Members of the Public were present
1. Apologies- Gill Kelly
2. Declarations of Interest- None
3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st February 2022- Proposed by James, Seconded by Adrian, All in Favour
4. Matters arising from previous minutes- None
5. District Councillors Report- Councillor’s discussed the S106 agreement referencing the overdue payment of £10k earmarked for Swan Park which should have been received following the Bovis development and occupation of 100 dwellings on the site. District Councillor’s are continuing to challenge.
6. Correspondence – Concerns from Residents regarding volume of HG vehicles and waste entering the Golf Course on Bursnips Road. Deferred, stay on Agenda.
7. Financial Matters
7.1 Schedule of Payments- To be tabled at the meeting (Separate Sheet)- Proposed by Hilary, Seconded by Adrian – All in favour.
7.2 Income and Expenditure Report- Gas Price was looked at Councillor’s considering moving supplier. Clerk to check for penalty clause should the contract end early.
7.3 Bank Reconciliation
7.4 Ratify EMR Proposed by Louize, Seconded by Winston – All in Favour.
7.5 Agree and Ratify Budget 2022/23- Proposed by Chris, Seconded by Hilary – All in favour
7.6 Ratify Pay Increase as agreed and set out by Local Government Services Pay Agreement @ 1.75%. Rate of Pay April 2022-23 increase to SCP20 (Clerk) SCP27 (RFO). (Separate sheet) Proposed by Adrian, Seconded by Thelma – All in Favour
7.7 Ratify Back Pay dated from April 2021- (Separate Sheet) Proposed by Chris, Seconded by Louize – All in favour
7.8 Ratify Hall Hire Charges- Councillors discussed hall hire increase due to rising utilities gas and electric it was proposed that the hire charge for the hall and kitchen will be £18 per hour. The RFO to contact HMRC regarding VAT charge for the use of the kitchen facility. Deferred to the next Full Council Agenda.
7.9 Ratify costs for Hall Tables & Chairs Renewal. Proposed by Adrian, seconded by James a total cost to supply much needed new tables and chairs for the hall should not exceed £4000.00. All in Favour.
7.10 Community Charity Fund 10k – Proposed by Adrian, Seconded by Steve that Council accepts the donation from the pre school charity fund to be earmarked for events facilities and activities in the community aimed at pre school children. All in Favour.
8. S106 Agreement- As discussed in district Councillor’s report.
9. Donations for Ukraine- Deferred
10. Highways- Broad Lane continues to be of major concern reports of convoys of HGV’s from a local haulage company travelling at all hours in excess of 30mph. The Clerk to write on behalf of the Council and residents of Broad Lane. The Clerk has made some progress towards arranging a public highways meeting; However, no firm date has been confirmed.
11. Millennium Stone- Arrangements have been made to remove overgrowth to expose the stone and will be cleaned following the works.
12. Pools Lease- Awaiting information/ confirmation from County Council regarding the possibility of nitrates in the Pools and who is responsible.
13. Pools Grant Application- The application has been made towards the refurbishment of the Fishing Pegs.
14. Dog Waste Signs- The Clerk to follow up the Council’s request for additional bins and Signage.
15. Climate Change-Stay on Agenda.
16. Essington Show 2022 – Plans are well underway for what should be a great Community event.
17. Away Day/Civic Sunday- Council to contact the Vicar @ St Johns Church with a view to arranging a Celebration of Service in the Community which is historically held yearly October/ November.
18. Spring 6 Race- The head ranger has been contacted with details as set out by Essington Harriers running Club the Clerk has relayed details of requirements to the club’s Chairman.
19. Date of the next Meeting- 11th April 2022
20. Closure- 9pm.
Signed By Louise Tipler
Essington Parish Council 17th March 2022.