Full Council
Agenda Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 11th October 2021 @ 7pm Essington Community Centre
Exclusion of Press and Public: to exclude the Press and Public during
consideration of the item set out in Agenda item number, 15 & 16
on the grounds
that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set out in
Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the Local Government Act, 1972.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th of September 2021-
4. Matters arising from previous minutes-
5. District Councillors Report-
6. Correspondence-
7. Financial Matters-
7.1 Schedule of Payments- to be tabled at the meeting-
7.2 Bank Balance as of 30th September 2021
7.3 Mazars External Auditors Report.
7.4 Arrange Budget Meeting
7.5 Refund RBL Hall Costs and Donate to the charity
7.6 Ratify cost for Morfe Valley
8. ECC Re-opening/Risk Assessments/Terms and Conditions-
9 Co-option – Arrange Interviews.
10. Grass Cutting
11. Donation for St John’s Primary Academy
12. Parish Council notes (Church Magazine)
13. Swan Park
14. Maintenance Issues- Update
15. Contracts
16. HR Matters
17. Date of the next Meeting
18. Closure
Signed By Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk 6th October 2021.
Minutes Essington Parish Council Full Council Meeting 11th October 2021 @ 7pm Essington Community Centre
Closed Session
Exclusion of Press and Public: to exclude the Press and Public during
consideration of the item set out in Agenda item number, 15 & 16
on the grounds
that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as set out in
Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the Local Government Act, 1972.
Public Participation 3x Members of the public were present
1 Member of the public addressed the council regarding times and costs for hiring the hall, The chairman advised the member that council would discuss under Item 8 on the agenda, inviting them to stay if they wish.
Present Councillors, Chris Steel, Hilary Southern, Warren Fisher, Adrian Nicklin, Winston Haddon, Steve Porter.
1. Apologies- Cllr Gill Kelly
2. Declarations of Interest Cllr Southern, Cllr Nicklin declared an interest in item 7.5 on the agenda
3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th of September 2021- Proposed by Adrian, Seconded by Steve, All in Favour.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes- None
5. District Councillors Report- Councillors discussed the local plan SA3 Linthouse Lane proposal to construct a minimum of 1200 possibly 2000 homes on greenbelt Land. It was suggested that a delegated Parish Councillor should lead to challenge the way forward, engaging with an independent legal advisor. £10k is in the budget for legal fees.
6. Correspondence- Several correspondences from residents regarding Highways issues, Clerk to contact highways to arrange a public meeting.
7. Financial Matters-
7.1 Schedule of Payments- to be tabled at the meeting- All in Favour
7.2 Bank Balance as of 30th September 2021-£227,175.01
7.3 Mazars External Auditors Report. The AGAR report was read out and accepted, councillors have received a copy.
7.4 Arrange Budget Meeting – to be discussed at the next full Council meeting
7.5 Refund RBL Hall Costs and Donate to the charity-Proposed by Winston, that the RBL hall charge should be reimbursed to the charity Seconded by Steve, All in Favour.
7.6 Ratify cost for Morfe Valley Tree Surgeon- Proposed by Steve, that necessary tree work is carried out asap at the quoted cost of £3719.00 seconded by Hilary, All in Favour.
8. ECC Re-opening/Risk Assessments/Terms and Conditions- Proposed by Hilary to accept the Terms and Conditions of Hire including hourly rates £15 per hour for all hirers however, an addendum should be added to anyone who wishes to hire storage space seconded by Adrian, All in Favour.
9 Co-option – Arrange Interviews-Co- option- Interviews to take place on Wednesday 20th October.
10. Grass Cutting -Defer
11. Donation for St John’s Primary Academy- Clerk to follow up.
12. Parish Council notes (Church Magazine)- Councillors discussed rather than adding monthly out of date minutes to the Parish Magazine a better approach would be to add a summarised news article each Month, Councillors agreed starting from January 2022.
13. Swan Park- Deferred
14. Maintenance Issues- Update- Locksmith meeting has been arranged to finalise the key arrangements; Emergency door work delayed due to waiting on materials.
15. Contracts- Councillors discussed and deferred to the next HR Meeting
16. HR Matters- Deferred to the next HR meeting -more information required
17. Date of the next Meeting- 8th November 2021.
18. Closure
Signed By Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk 14th October 2021.