Finance Sub-Committee
Essington Parish Council
Finance Sub- Committee Meeting to be held via Zoom @ 7pm 16th June 2021
Public are welcome to attend please follow the link
Meeting ID 956 7353 8858
Passcode 118789
1.Appointment of Chair
2.Appointment of Vice- Chair
3.Terms of Reference
4.Meeting Dates
5.Yearly Work Plan
6.Essington Parish Council Bank Balance
7.Summary of Payments (21st June Full Council)
8. Internal Audit Report- Actions
9.Debtors List
10.Additional Bank Account
11. Financial Regulations-Discuss Amendments.
Signed by Louise Tipler
Acting Clerk
Essington Parish Council 9th June 2021.
Essington Parish Council
Essington Parish Council – Minutes
Finance Committee held on the 16th June 2021 at 7pm (Virtually)
Councillors – Chris Steel, Warren Fisher, Hilary Southern , David Lester.
1.Appointment of Chairman
RESOLVED: Cllr Warren Fisher as Chairman of the Committee for the year 21/22, proposed by Chairman Cllr Chris Steel, seconded by Cllr Hilary Southern.
2.Appointment of Vice- Chairman
RESOLVED: Cllr David Lester as Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the year 21/22, proposed by Cllr Hilary Southern, seconded by Chairman Cllr Chris Steel.
3.Terms of Reference
RESOLVED: Resolved that the presented option (subject to minor amendments) to be recommended to Full Council for approval.
4.Meeting Dates
RESOLVED: that the Finance Meeting should be held on the first Monday of each Month to enable clearance for Ratification of Payments at each Full Council Meeting to be held on the Second Monday of each Month. Management Meetings to be held on the last Wednesday of each Month-dates to be confirmed once agreed by Full Council.
5.Yearly Work Plan
RESOLVED: That the responsibilities as set out in Section 12 of the Terms of Reference are followed to form the Yearly Work Plan.
6. Essington Parish Council Bank Balance 16th June 2021.
£171,539,75. Members of the Committee agreed the Balance remains healthy and agree to spend the expenditure as set out in the Budget.
7. Summary of Payments (21st June Full Council)
Members-all in Favour of the Summary of Payments to be tabled at Full Council for Ratification on the 21st June 2021
Acting Clerk to contact Rialtas to clarify two minor queries in the accounting system.
8. Internal Audit Report
Members viewed the recommendations from the Internal Auditor, the Acting Clerk to Contact the Internal Auditor for further interpretation and guidance on several of the recommendations.
9.Debtors List
Members discussed that continuation to recover funds from outstanding Debtors should be recommended to Full Council, along with the writing off, of Two debts as recommended by the Internal Auditor.
Kings School of Dance -£37.50
Allotments Association -£860.00
Chairman Cllr Steel to contact the Council’s Solicitor for guidance.
10. Additional Bank Account.
Cllr Steel and Cllr Southern to liaise with the Acting Clerk to arrange a date for an appointment to visit the bank.
11. Financial Regulations
Deferred to the next meeting.
12. Closure @ 20.50pm
Cllr Warren Fisher
CHAIRMAN Finance Committee Essington Parish Council